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The Beers

Zhang Guo

Embrace Life

Being everywhere all at the same time is the only way to experience all there is

Zhang Guo was trained in his youth as a chemist but since then has brought his knowledge of alchemy to the world of cocktails and now stands as one of the world’s most eminent ‘mixologists’.

The original Zhang Guo

Chinese Heritage

Zhang Guo was an alchemist with a love for wine and wine making. He’s also known as an elusive spirit renowned for travelling extensively covering large distances every day on his trusty white donkey.

The Modern Zhang Guo

The modern Zhang Guo studied chemistry in his youth which he later put to use as a cocktail mixologist. His epic concoctions are now so well renowned that he’s always in demand for the most exclusive of parties.

Zhang Guo

A Wandering Soul

Although Zhang Guo can be the soul of any party his life on the road means he rarely gets time to establish lasting relationships with the people he meets. In fact some might argue that his closest companion is his trusty white Vespa scooter.